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Cable Lift TutorialSome People may
be thinking, "Why does he even have a cable lift tutorial, it is so
easy to use cable lifts?" Well, if you have figured out how it
works, then it is quite simple, but some people just do not know how
the cable lift works and it will take a tutorial like this one to teach
them the basics of the cable lift.
Why Use Cable Lifts?
Lifts are a useful tool that only the Giga Coaster can provide.
Instead of using a regular lift hill that only pull the train at a few
mph, you can use a cable lift hill that will pull that train up at
15mph! This is especially great for Giga Coasters because they
are meant to be larger and taller and this will help speed that
extremely long ride up. The cable lifts also allow you to go
higher faster because you can use a steeper incline for the lift
How to Use Cable Lift Hills First
of all just build a station like usual. Now start making a slope
but do not use the lift chain. You can use either slope
Now build the sloping track as high as you want. When you get to
the top of the hill click on the special track piece button and select
"Cable lift hill."
Now all you need to do is build the rest of the track. When you test
or open the ride the cable lift will show its true face. What happens
is the top cable lift hill piece will lower the cable down to the station and
pick up the train and pull it to the top of the hill. Simple and
effective. The following picture shows the cable on its way down to the
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